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Enjoy Integral Yoga Teacher Training certification courses and Workshops from anywhere in the world!
Raja Yoga II: A Deeper Dive into the Sutras, 5-week course aims towards personal transformation and spiritual awakening. This advanced raja yoga studies course offers a chance to deepen one’s knowledge of Yoga philosophy and its applications.
The Intermediate Teacher Training course provides you with the opportunity to upgrade your teaching skills, deepen your practice, and share your experiences and ideas, and find creative solutions to challenges encountered in teaching.
Yoga Teaching Essentials, a thorough training in Hatha Yoga, helps to establish, expand and refine teaching skills. Open to all Module 1 graduates and teachers coming from a different school of Yoga to be certified to teach Integral Yoga.
The Yoga Immersion Program aims towards personal transformation and spiritual fulfillment. This comprehensive 9-week course offers a chance to deepen your own practice and experience Yoga as a way of life. 100% BIPOC staff and participants.
Module 1 with 100% BIPOC staff and participants provides a strong foundation for practice is followed by Module 2, a training to become a knowledgeable Yoga instructor opened for any Module 1 graduates and RYT200 from other schools.
Our Meditation Teacher Training program will enable you to go deeper in your own practice and guide your students to go deeper in theirs.
Integral Yoga, as taught by Sri Swami Satchidananda, offers a synthesis of six branches of classical Yoga: Hatha, Raja, Japa, Karma, Bhakti, and Jnana Yoga. Its aim is to purify and calm the body and mind in order to experience the peace and joy that is our true nature. Integral Yoga practitioners bring that peace into the world by fostering interfaith dialogue and leading service-oriented lives. Founded in 1966, there are currently 30 Integral Yoga centers on six of the seven continents and 5,000 teachers worldwide.